Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Odyssey

Title: The Odyssey
Author: Homer?
Written around: 8th or 7th century BC.?
Country of Origin: Ancient Greece
Manuscript: The Homeric papyri
Notes of interest: Detailed descriptions of ancient Greek magic

Pagan interest:
Like "The Iliad" which we covered in the previous post, the Odyssey has been romanticized by the media for many years. Unlike the former, however, the story has been portrayed closer to the original text. Perhaps the brains at Hollywood figured that things can't get anymore stranger then that.

An interesting part of the book that is often, and most likely intentionally, left out of the silver screen, is the detailed descriptions of a necromancy ritual. Yes folks, raising the dead right down to the number of goats necks you have to slit. Do note that the accuracy of this ritual is as questionable as the real author of the text, so take it with a large pitch of salt.

Online Resources:
Translation by Samuel Butler
Translation by Samuel Butler with summary for each book
Translation by A.T. Murray, PH.D
An interesting description of the Hero based on the text (Children friendly)

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