Sunday, October 21, 2007

Celtic Mythology 101 part 1 – The Celts

To have a better understanding of Celtic Mythology, it is necessary to have some understanding of the Celts. To the best of my knowledge, I have created a short summary of their history. My knowledge in this area is very limited, and any input to correct or update this summary will be very welcomed.

The origins of the Celts, like much of their tales, are shrouded by the sands of time. It is possible that they originated from Central Europe, as traces of their early existence can be found in Austria, Germany and France. It is believed that they help establish the Hallsatatt culture (1200 BCE ~ 500 BCE) during the late bronze to early iron Age, and traded extensively with the Greeks.

The Golden Age of the Celts came around 600BC. They had migrated as far west as Spain and crossed the English Channel to reach the British Isles.

July, 387 BC saw the Gaul Celts (Senones) mauling the Roman army in Allia, under their chieftain Brennus. This battle was said to have been triggered when 3 Roman peace envoys got involved with a skirmish which resulted in the death of a Celtic chieftain. The Gaels then poured into Rome itself and wreaked havoc in the area for 7 months. This shame was long remembered by the Romans, and would only be avenged by Caesar’s conquest of Gaul 3 ½ centuries later.

Only Ireland survived Roman rule and influence during Rome’s greatest expansion period. Christianity would not arrive in Ireland until mid fifth century AD.

Most of the Celts were believed to be illiterate, and knowledge was passed down through an oral tradition. It was not till the 11th century, was the fading knowledge recorded by Christian monks. The pagan elements of these records were systemically replaced by Christian content, or in some cases reduced in status (divine beings were reduce to heroic figures, etc). Readers are advised to cross reference different material to get a better understanding of the hidden pagan content.

Online Resources:
An amazing article on Celts:
Wiki on Hallstatt culture:
Detailed article on Gallic sack of Rome:

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